Friday, November 13, 2009

It's like winning the lottery...

This other day after my friends have come over I felt like listening to some nice music up in my room with some nice HD visuals to go along with it. Since my PS3 could provide me with all of the things I felt like doing I decided to turn it on. Lo and behold my PS3 has done a full hardware failure on me...
It's not like this hasn't happened to me before. My 360 handed me an RRoD a while back and I handled it by selling my 360... But it's not the fact that the PS3 failed on me that's bothering me, it's the fact that there is a 5% failure rate on the system (as opposed to the 40% failure rate on the 360 first editions) that's eating me up. It's kinda like being the one guy out of a few ten-thousand to have been born with an erratic and fast growing tumor. You just felt like you won the lottery somehow, but instead of getting this "Yay~" feeling, you get this "God FML" thought at the back of your head.
Mind you though.. it's not a serious problem, I can probably fix it very easily without having to send it into the company for repairs. But by god this is just really lucky of me.

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